

We're always looking for people to help with:

  • Sunday Greeters:  Stand at the door and welcome people as they come in.  Direct new guests to the sign-in book and help them if they have questions.  Sign-up sheet in the back of church on the counter.


  • Ushers:  Make sure all the lights are on, pass out bulletins, light/extinguish candles, receive offerings and guide people for communion.  Sign-up sheet in the back of church on the counter.


  • Cookie Angels:  Serve coffee, water, juice and cookies for fellowship after the worship service.  You can bake cookies or use cookies that others have made.  Then clean-up when the fellowship is nearing a close.  Sign-up sheet is in the fellowship hall on the counter.


  • Church Cleaners:  Dust, vacuum, take out the trash, clean bathrooms as needed.  Sign-up sheet in the back of church on the counter.


  • Communion Preparers:  Check with the Altar Guild (Esther Foster), get communion prepared and set-up for communion services and/or clean-up after the service.


  • Evangelism Committee:  Plan events to help us as a church body to be in the community.  Help with the craft sale, Hank Days Parade, Yard Sale, VBS, and any events you think would be good ways to help people learn about Jesus.

